Jesus has radically changed my life. I owe and give all the Glory for any success I have to Him. If anyone likes anything about this company know it was built from a prayer. I’m forever grateful for the transformation of knowing Christ and feeling the security of Heaven. I pray the same for you if you haven’t already called upon the Lord.
Christ came to cover our sin with His blood and saves us from eternal hell for those who believe in Him and call Him Lord.
I pray your eyes and heart will be unveiled today so you can see the truth behind what the enemy is stirring globally. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain when making the decision of your eternal salvation. You don’t need to clean yourself up before you believe and you are never too far “gone” to receive the gift of salvation. Jesus is the one and only true God. The Bible the most generous book and the only book that will totally transform your life.
Not even this day is promised to any of us. Why wait to “see” to make your decision? Today is the most important day to believe in Christ. It determines your eternal destiny.
“Only when multitudes of individuals in our society turn to Christ will society itself experience any significant transformation.” Pastor John MacArthur